Laub's Feeding & Cubing | High Quality Hay Cubes, Grass, and Alfalfa Bales in St. George, Utah.
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Hay Cubes & Hay Bales

Laub’s Feeding & Cubing offers three different grades of Hay Cubes. All hay is home grown, cut, and compressed in Beryl, Utah. Grade “A” has slightly higher protein count which is recommended for very active horses, Grade “A-” is for those right in the middle, and we also have mini cubes.

Aside from bagged cubes, we have a forklift and a processor ramp for deep trailers or trucks.  Just call ahead and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.


  • Grade A Hay Cubes

    Cost Per Ton

    Bulk $290 Bagged $290
  • Grade A- Hay Cubes

    Bulk $270 Bagged $270
  • Bag Fee $30

  • Grade B

    Cost Per Ton

    Bulk $-- Bagged $--
  • 0
  • 0

Beryl Prices are A:$270, A-$250, B $– .


  • 3 String Grass Bale

    Price per Bale

  • Hay Bale

    Price per bale


Mini Cubes

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  • A Mini Cubes

    Price Per Ton

  • A- Mini Cubes (3-Way Grain Mix)

    Price Per Ton

New Location: Paragonah I-15 Exit 95. A Mini Cubes : $280, A- Mini Cubes $260. By Appointment only, Contact (435)-572-0217.